Pilar Arreseigor

pilar arreseigor cache de salud

5 Reasons Why Fasting is Good

Reasons for Fasting

1) For its effectiveness: the key to weight loss and reversal of all chronic pathologies related to obesity is to reduce insulin levels. This is achieved when we do not eat, which is why it is so important not to snack between meals and to eat well at mealtimes.

2) Because it is an ancient practice: it is the oldest dietary treatment of mankind. It has been practised in every culture and religion on the planet, to cleanse, detoxify and purify the body.

3) It is not a diet: it helps your body’s hormonal profile to function properly when insulin is low and counter-regulatory hormones (Growth Hormone and Noradrenaline) are elevated. When Growth Hormone levels are increased it preserves lean mass and rebuilds the protein needed when you eat again.

-None of these hormonal responses occur with restriction diets.

4) More energy and mental clarity: the fat in the liver and visceral fat (the fat around the organs in the abdominal area) is the first to be used for energy, which is excellent because it is the most dangerous.

When the counter-regulatory system is activated (by lowering insulin levels) there is greater mental clarity, energy and concentration.

5) It’s free: It requires no devices, no time, no money, it gives you health, wellness and energy.

Fast Breaking Juice

One of the recommendations is to start with something liquid and wait 20′-30′ to eat, I’ll explain why:

During fasting we tend to lose a lot of water, especially minerals.

Sometimes, even though you try to stay hydrated, the electrolyte intake is not always correctly advised (or retained by the body). This can cause symptoms such as cramps, headaches and energy drops, which many attribute to a lack of food, but which in reality are often due to a lack of MINERALS. That is why I recommend:

During fasting: add a pinch of Himalayan/sea salt or a little sea water (diluted 1/4) to your drinking water.

When you come out of the fast, before the solid intake: incorporate a portion of something liquid to hydrate and reactivate the digestion little by little and take advantage of this liquid intake to add some extra ingredients that can benefit us. For example:

-Apple cider vinegar (regulates stomach pH, stabilises blood sugar values and is useful as an adjuvant treatment in dysbiosis)

– Cinnamon (improves insulin levels in the blood)

– Other options: Aloe vera, Sodium bicarbonate

How to Break the Fast?

Fasting for 24 hours or less usually does not cause any discomfort when breaking the fast, but some people may develop some problems on longer fasts.

This usually occurs in the refeeding period. During fasting, the production of digestive enzymes slows down, which can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort when you start eating again. For example, you may experience:

√ Diarrhoea or loose stools.

√ Gas pains and bloating.

√ Nausea and vomiting (rare).

It usually takes two to four weeks for your digestive system to adjust to fasting. Until then, you may want to avoid eating these foods during your first meal.

These foods include: – Nuts and nut butters – Seeds and butters – Raw vegetables – Eggs – Dairy products – Alcohol – Red meat.

You can continue to eat these foods during your second meal.