Pilar Arreseigor

pilar arreseigor cache de salud

holistic health professional

Health begins with the mouth

As a health coach I will help you to incorporate healthy habits.

We will improve your lifestyle with personalised advice.

Using a bio-individual approach, taking small steps to achieve big things.

aseroria nutricional con plato de comida keto
dos hojas de espinaca
una hoja de espinaca
media hoja de espinaca

About me

I am a dentist and Health Coach in integrative nutrition, passionate about holistic medicine. I graduated in Argentina, at the National University of La Plata as a Dentist and I have a certification in Health Coach in Modern Nutrition from Florida Global University.

I have a holistic approach that encompasses nutrition, exercise and all other areas that influence lifestyle to achieve health and wellness. I promote and work to help incorporate habits to generate gradual changes and achieve long term results.

Trained in Holistic Nutrition, with a Masters in Microbiota, I will give you an effective approach to establish the foundations of health, reverse pathologies and achieve lasting results.

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Pilar Arreseigor

Dentist | Health Coach

pilar arreseigor asesora nutricional

How we work

Follow The Simple Steps

Choose One Option

Select a Day

Enjoy Your New Lifestyle

Simple Subscription

€ 70 / Monthly


€ 15

Prices & Plans

The Health Coaching process consists of an accompaniment in which we work to help you incorporate healthy and sustainable habits.
It covers nutrition and all the pillars of wellbeing: Health Coach in Holistic Nutrition.

frase motivacional coaching en salud

What is health coaching?

The Health Coach accompanies and guides the person to obtain and/or recover a complete state of health, integrating it in a holistic way (physical body, mental health, deep emotions and spiritual) and thus be able to heal from within. Always with a BIOINDIVIDUAL approach, as we all have different needs and are UNIQUE.

Combining conventional and alternative modalities to raise the level of well-being.


Tips & Articles

Tips & Articles

All About Microbiota

All About Microbiota Gut Microbiota Since Hippocrates first considered the gut as a vital source of health,...

Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance The Importance of Insulin on your Body Weight and General Well-being  Insulin, a hormone secreted...

Let's Talk!

Don't hesitate Contact Me!

If you are interested in hiring any of my services or simply want to resolve any questions, you can contact me by filling out the form or by sending me an email to the following address: info@pili-health.com